Il post rimarca l’importanza del Report ‘Mission-Oriented R&I in the EU’ e della relativa consultazione pubblica per il negoziato sul 9° PQ per la R&ST
All Italian Public Administrations (PAs), irrespective of their size, face increasing financial constraints. Furthermore, ongoing institutional and administrative reforms bring about both the set up of new functions and new public expenditure. That is the case, in particular, for Local Authorities.
This short note presents National Operating Program ‘Governance e capacità istituzionale’, i.e. the main Program co-financed by the ERDF and the ESF aimed at sustaining the paradigm ‘open government’ and PA reforms in Italy.
Open government and open data are all the rage.
This short note is about the main financial instruments of the EU aimed at sustaining the paradigm ‘open government’ and the digital revolution within the European Public Administrations.
It is widely acknowledged that cities are the main drivers of economic growth, but they are not yet sustainable in a broad sense. Indeed, they face many wicked problems - economic deprivation, social exclusion and air pollution just to name a few. Furthermore, most Europeans live in urban areas.
Thus, the paradigm “smart cities” is front and center when debating innovative public policies.
This factsheet presents:
• the strategic framework of the policies supporting this paradigm, both at the EU and the Italian levels,
• main public financing streams aimed at improving urban assets and policies.
This Guide presents a strategic map on EU Funds, both those managed by the EC and its executive agencies directly and those managed by Member States and regions.
The Guide sets out how each European Programme is anchored in the general framework of EU policies and potential synergies between different EU Funds.